Dementia Action Week 2021 (17-23 May)
For dementia action week 2021 – we'll be raising awareness with a series of short films that follow the experiences of people living with dementia.
Do you have a story to share?
We are looking for people living with and caring for dementia to share their experience of getting a diagnosis and how support can be improved.
I have a story to share, how do I get involved?
Write down your experience.
We would like individuals to write their experience down, it could be a paragraph or up to 1 page of A4.
What happens next?
The experience which will be narrated verbatim, on film by a professional actor. The films will then be released each day of dementia action week online to raise awareness.
What should I write?
Please feel free to write your experience in any way you like, and be as honest as you like. Below are some guidance questions in case they are helpful. The intent of these films is to improve how we care and support people living with the disease.
Guidance questions:
How did you feel before and after your diagnosis
Did you feel that you were given helpful support at the time of diagnosis
How could you/can someone getting a diagnosis be supported better
What piece advice would you give someone who wants to support someone with dementia?
Where shall I send my story to?
If you are interested please send your written experience to by Monday 10th May.
Why are actors going to be filmed? Can I be on film? We are asking professional actors to film the experiences to protect people’s identity and allow the stories to stay anonymous. If you would prefer to narrate as yourself please let this be known when sending your story.